Rawry's Missing Tooth - the cute story about a young dinosaur who loses his first tooth comes back with this fun activity book to keep your children busy for hours.
Join Rawry and his friends on their creative adventure with this Colouring & Activity Book full of puzzles, drawing, colouring and creative writing activities to help channel your child's superpowers and challenge their imagination.
Based on the story with the same name, and perfect for 4+ year olds.
Keeps Children Busy for Hours in a fun and educative way
Relatable Characters Inspired by Real Life
Based on the Picture Book with the same name

Rawry is a smart and creative young T-Rex who tries to regain his super power back by fixing his missing tooth problem.
Rawry is inspired by a real person, a fun, smart, and creative little boy who lights up the room with his smile and his genuine heart.
Just like all children do.
Mama Dino
Mama Dino helps Rawry remember the true source of his superpower. Just like any mama out there, she is the ultimate confidence booster when things get rough for Rawry.

"Rawry was a T- Rex, but you see, he wasn’t just any T-Rex though, he was a Super T-Rex, meaning he had a superpower, and HIS superpower was his smile.
Well ... his big dinosaur grin!
Whenever Rawry met someone new, he loved to make a grand introduction! He never settled for a simple "Hello, my name is Rawry" in a regular voice.
Instead, he would take a deep breath and proudly ROAR his name out with a big, booming sound that echoed through the jungle.
Everyone seemed to like it, especially his grandparents, and they would laugh every time he did it, without fail. It soon became his signature HELLO."

Read the Full Story

This was a God send for our trip! The graphics and activities are just perfect for my ages (6, 7 and 9). Loved the word search and letter to cheer up Rawry. An absolute delight!

My son loved Rowry's story so much that he asked me to read it to him daily when we first got the book! The book is colorful and the illustrations are so perfect for the little ones. The story is beautiful and inspiring!

We also have Rawry's Missing Tooth the story book and was very pleased to see there is now an activity book too. my daughter loves the dinosaur story, and had fun doodling and colouring on this one and remembering the details in the story.